Welcome to Desiree~B Designs...

Really, it's about passion, I'm passionate about fabric and the thrill of the 'find', then seeing it evolve into something new.  I'm passionate about the environment and finding ways to reuse and not buy new, to reduce plastic use, and send less to landfill. I'm passionate about our marine environment, particularly living on Bribie Island, it needs protecting. This is not something that just happens, it's a lifelong journey, sometimes I have done well, and other times, life just got in the way.
I'm all for doing what we can, when we can, we are perfectly imperfect, all trying to make a difference.  

My first upcycle was at the age of 8, that wonderful pre-loved purple velvet bedspread at the local school fete. Oooh! the princess dresses I could make, and I did, on mum's old Singer, without patterns and just imagination. A life long addiction had began!
I purchased my Janome sewing machine with my first pay check at the age of 16, and I have never looked back. Working at Lincraft in the mid 1980's was to further feed my love of textiles, and to also have the confidence to make my own wedding dress (yep, 80's style).

Over the years sustainability and environment has always been important to me. Living on half an acre we grew fruits and vegetables, had chooks, made our own compost, bread and jam, and all without the use of chemicals or poisons. We made our own green cleaning products and enjoyed some of the best years raising our family. Nothing beats hitting the raspberry and strawberry patch for fresh ripe berries on the walk home from school. We now continue to grow lots of produce and maintain compost in our healthy poison free Queensland backyard, filled with insects, frogs, pythons and so many birds. 

Sewing and design has played a huge role in my life, ever changing with life's events. After a few years distracted by other ventures and the upheaval of Covid-19, I am returning to my passions and bringing them all together, 'Hello Desiree-b Designs'.
My concept is simple, turn pre-loved items into something new and wonderful, give it new life, purpose and value, and keep that circular thing happening. Give back as much as you can, and pass this concept on to others, let's make 'this' the new normal.
Thank-you so much for reading my story : ) 
Thank-you, Desiree~B xx